Non-working posh aunties are a threat to society
Change my mind. You can’t.
This title may be clickbait-y and I do not hate the rich. As controversial as it may sound, the rich people have managed to create a life for themselves through hard work or ancestral privilege and I know it’s not always fair, but nothing is fair is in this world and it would do us good if we could just stop expecting it to be.
My deepest troubles lie with the non-working posh aunties of society. I am not the kind to discount unpaid emotional labour that women endure, and I have absolutely no right to judge anyone simply because I do not know what life their life looks like when I am not looking. But I have reasons to believe that highly privileged women who do not engage in productive work and are simply obsessed with their sons are affecting us in ways that we cannot imagine.
They have the gift of time and money at their disposal, and they use it in the worst way possible — creating nuisance, spoiling their kids, being mean to the house help and spewing their classist crap everywhere they go.
I haven’t written about this for the longest time because I thought my repulsion to them was internalised misogyny but after years of elaborate thinking and observation, I have realised they stand at the apex of our patriarchal society.
They may be rich in material but are so poor in thought.
They put up with everything women have fought against.
Here’s a non-exhaustive list of things they have done that negatively contribute to the society
- They put up with cheating husbands. Do not even @me. I cannot care to explain. I have heard and seen enough and what’s more I am sure you have too.
- They are unable to see the faults in their sons whilst actively policing their daughters every step of the way.
- They actively give up their careers even if they have employable skills. They have given up the dream of financial independence because guess what? It takes courage, effort, and determination for women to create economically independent lives in this world and so many women are doing it against the odds.
- They put up with domestic abuse. They lie about it. They dismiss it. They set bad examples.
- They resist divorce because they are married to money and not their husbands.
I do accept that my opinions are such because I am not married, and I do not know what it takes to keep it together and everyone is a princess in their parents’ house and if that’s the case. Screw marriage and whoever is perpetuating the institution. Marriages are heftily responsible in hindering women’s progress and I would love to change my mind about it but unfortunately I can’t seem to.
And now as far as these posh aunties are concerned, wouldn’t it be lovely if they could get their crap together. It takes skill to be economically viable; a skill they never hone because they pick the easy life. The life in which someone else pays for their existence in exchange of emotional labour. Stop setting this horrendous example, please.
I wrote this in two sittings and well, the second one was quite angsty.
I don’t think I hate them I just think I am deeply disappointed in women who do not further the case for equality and women who give up their individuality so willingly.
I know I am responsible for what I do with my life but I do not think a society where women aid their own subjugation is worth anything at all and unfortunately I am living in one and I find myself to be quite helpless.
Bye now I need to scream in the void.