If it weren’t for IG, I’d be President

Sunvi Aggarwal
2 min readOct 11, 2023


not of the country, of something. I just don't know what

I used to be fairly regular with writing things on the internet. I would look for cues around me. I would create plots in my head and would lead these thought bubbles into my letters to the world. I think I also had two or three loyal readers who must be pretty sick of my shit by now.

Maybe they’re not even loyal anymore.

Photo by Vladimir Mun on Unsplash

Nothing ever leaves till you leave it. I make excuses sometimes about being busy and catch myself watching silly reels. Doom-scrollable video content needs to come with a health warning, or a public health advisory — the kind that you see on cigarette boxes. It is everything — injurious to health, both mental and physical and it is habit forming.

Doomscrolling is so addictive that it must not be allowed before 25. It is worse than casinos because of the sheer accessibility of it. Gambling, drugs, alcohol, doom-scrolling. I have no solutions to offer.

I put a timer that I am constantly defying, hello, I am an adult. This stupid timer that I have set has nothing on me.

I also turned off the notifications and found myself visiting the app even more often. I obviously don’t want to miss my viral moment. Can tell you all I never missed a viral moment! Not because I constantly checked but because I never had a single moment of fame, haha.

This self-deprecation is getting real old.

You would think that now that you are informed of the amount of time you spend on your doomscroll platform, you would do less of it. But you don’t. You do it just more indignantly. Just something so satisfying about the incorrigibility.


I have no solutions to offer just extending my disappointment in me and in you for having absolutely zilch self-control.

Maybe we are not as advanced as we pride ourselves on being. Just small monkeys that can’t even climb trees humouring ourselves on small screens.

The real irony is that I write all of this on the very platform that has me hooked on its pinkie finger.

This is really a simulation, and the widespread relatability among all of us is proof that even the creators are bored of creating unique characters, just copy pasting their way because its been a while. Waiting for my asteroid ❤. Us when!?!?



Sunvi Aggarwal

I like to eat, read, talk about what I’ve read and visit small cities. Overall pretty basic and easily confused.